People are the strength of our success. We realize that the development of our company is possible only through supporting our employees and offering work in an environment which favors professional and personal growth. We emphasize, and take advantage of, individual capacities of our staff, ensure the possibility of comprehensive education, equal treatment of all employees, and transparent career opportunities. We invest in people.
Who is this job offer addressed to? We are looking for open, consistent, creative and success-oriented people who are willing to develop continuously. We expect fluent knowledge of German and/or English, and interest in tax law and accounting issues.
If you are interested in working for ATA Finance, please send your CV, including a personal data protection clause, to: office|| |office|
Please include the following statement in your application:
"I agree that my personal data will be processed by ATA Finance Sp. z o.o. in order to recruit for the position I am applying for".