PIT relief for taxpayers under 26 years of age
On 1 August 2019, new regulations will come into force concerning the taxation of the income earned by young employees and contractors. According to the amended PIT Act, the relief will apply to those under 26 years of age.
Changes to the rules of intra-Community trade in goods
The website of the Government Legislative Centre has posted yet another draft amendment this year to the Act on the tax on goods and services (UC158) resulting from the obligation to implement into the Polish legal system of the regulations contained in the Council Directive (EU) 2018/1910 and in the implementing Council Regulation (EU) 2018/1912.
Compliance of Polish regulations on the right to the deduct VAT with EU law
On 14 December 2018, the WSA (Voivodship Administrative Court) in Cracow handed down a ruling on compliance with EU law of the current regulations on the right to deduct VAT on intra-Community acquisition of goods, imports of services and domestic transactions covered by the reverse-charge mechanism (I SA/KR 11/18).
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