The obligation to prepare local file documentation only arises in transactions with related entities that are not covered by the exemption under Article 11n of the CIT Act
On September 15, 2021 the Head of the National Revenue Information Service (hereinafter: the KIS Head) issued a private tax ruling, ref. no. 0111-KDIB1-2.410.300.2021.ANK, concerning the obligation to prepare local transfer pricing documentation under the provisions of the Corporate Income Tax Act (hereinafter: CIT Act).
Polish Deal adopted by the government – new health insurance contribution rate as of January
A practical guide to e-commerce VAT - part 1
On July 1, 2021 a number of changes relating to e-commerce were introduced to the Value Added Tax Act as part of the so-called VAT e-Commerce Package.
A practical guide to e-commerce VAT - part 2
SLIM VAT 2 - changes to the ‘bad debt relief'
As a result of President of the Republic of Poland signing the Act of August 11, 2021 amending the Act on Value Added Tax and Banking Law known as Slim VAT 2 package, taxpayers should prepare for certain further simplifications, initiated by the Slim VAT package, in settling VAT.