Amendment of the regulations on the tax scale and tax free amount
Place of supply of services connected with immovable property as of 1 January 2017
Changes in VAT as of 1 January 2017
The Act on the amendment of the Goods and Services Tax Act and certain other laws was published in the Journal of Laws no. 2024 of 15 December 2016.
Changes in income taxes as of 1 January 2017
The Act of 5 September 2016 amending the Personal Income Tax Act and the Corporate Income Tax Act, to be effective as of 1 January 2017, was published in the Journal of Laws No. 1550. The most significant change in the new regulations is a lower CIT rate for certain taxpayers, going down from 19% to 15%. Other amendments in both the CIT Act and the PIT Act are aimed at sealing the tax system by clarifying the regulations which may be prone to interpretation doubts.
Taxation of close-end investment funds from 01 January 2017
Real property tax charged on production line foundations situated in a production hall constituting a separate object of taxation – judgment of the Supreme Administrative Court not favourable for taxpayers
Formal defects on the invoice and the right to deduct VAT
Plans to implement a unified tax on income earned by natural persons
Recently there have been communications of changes to the system of taxation of income earned by natural persons. The principles of levying tax and social security contributions on income applied to date are to be replaced by the so called unified tax, the amount of which will take into account income tax of natural persons and contributions for social and health insurance.
Equity for the purpose of thin capitalization
When determining equity for the purpose of thin capitalization, a taxpayer has to leave out from the calculation e.g. the value of revaluation capitals or equity from subordinated loans received. Proper determination of equity for those purposes has an impact on tax deductible expenses in connection with interest paid on loans advanced by related companies.
CJEU will clear doubts about VAT chargeability at the sale of a real property
Proper determination whether in the case of a real property sale transaction planned by taxpayers VAT exemption will be applicable or the sale has to be taxed by applying the basic rate seems to be problematic not only for taxpayers but for tax authorities as well.